
“Eating with the fullest pleasure is perhaps the profoundest enactment of our connection with the world. In this pleasure we experience and celebrate our dependence and our gratitude, for we are living from mystery, from creatures we did not make and powers we cannot comprehend.”

— Wendell Berry

Being Open

Openness is sometimes construed as having no boundaries. And that is a mistake because, open and close have meaning only when there are boundaries.

— rawjeev

Each thing in nature…

Each thing in nature is a question containing its own potential answer.
— Christopher Bamford, Green Hermeticism: Alchemy & Ecology

New Technology

Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.
— Stewart Brand

Any new religion…

Two things however are clear about any religion that might derive from cybernetics and systems theory, ecology and natural history. First, that in the asking of questions, there will be no limit to our hubris; and second, that there shall always be humility in our acceptance of answers. In these two characteristics we shall be in sharp contrast with most of the religions of the world. They show little humility in their espousal of answers but great fear about what questions they will ask.

— Gregory Bateson (Angels Fear)