In Brief…


I am Rajeev Bacchu, from Bangalore, India. In brief, I am on a journey to live my dream of finding a home and community with my family and friends at our little farm, ||bahulavana||. A home to nourish and sustain us, both in body and spirit.

“A place becomes a home when it sustains you, when it feeds you in body as well as spirit.”
— Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

I have been a software professional for many years and continue to work in the field, though not full-time anymore.

Whatever I have been or would be, I see myself as a tinkerer for life. An eternal novice in every endeavor.

This blog

This blog is like a toy train that I pull along, as I go rambling with my life. A kind of a growing train of interesting things, thoughts, poems, reflections etc.,

If you happen to be one of those who stumbled upon my blog and liked it, I am already glad about that. And I’d be happy to know.
